About Us

The Alexander Berkman Social Club is a group of anarchists who want to talk about what anarchism is, how anarchists see things and what anarchy could look like. Named after the editor of San Francisco’s mighty The Blast, we hope to have continual monthly meetings that are open to all. If you come you’ll get a membership card, the chance to win thousands of dollars (alright – the odd book or two) and hopefully something to think about and act on. You failed the audition for “So You Think You Can Dance,” and you just don’t seem with it. Don’t worry. The ABSC will have you. See you there!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Our Next Meeting - July 31, 2008

Anarchism & Sexuality
July 31, 7 p. m.,
at 522 Valencia St., btwn. 16th & 17th, S. F. $5 admission.

With music by Jesse Quattro
from the Secret Chiefs 3 and Hammers of Misfortune

Words by
Joey Cain
co-founder of the Edward Carpenter Forum
Terence Kissack
author of Free Comrades: Anarchism and Homosexuality in the United States
Jessica Moran
former assistant editor, Emma Goldman Papers Project

Plus quizzes, raffles, and who knows what else!

Thanks to All

Thanks to everyone who came to our inaugural event last night. It was a great success.

Barry Pateman, (Kate Sharpley Library and Emma Goldman Papers) spoke on the history of anarchism in San Francisco and Devin Hoff (Xiu Xiu, Nels Cline Singers, Devin Hoff Platform) and Danishta Rivero performed music.

Our next meeting will be July 31, 2008, same place, same time, further details to follow.