About Us

The Alexander Berkman Social Club is a group of anarchists who want to talk about what anarchism is, how anarchists see things and what anarchy could look like. Named after the editor of San Francisco’s mighty The Blast, we hope to have continual monthly meetings that are open to all. If you come you’ll get a membership card, the chance to win thousands of dollars (alright – the odd book or two) and hopefully something to think about and act on. You failed the audition for “So You Think You Can Dance,” and you just don’t seem with it. Don’t worry. The ABSC will have you. See you there!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Anarchism vs Capitalism, Thursday Oct. 30th

Announcing the fifth exciting meeting of the
Alexander Berkman Social Club:

Anarchism vs. Capitalism
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tom Wetzel from the Workers Solidarity Alliance and the San Francisco Community Land Trust will speak on the past and present of anarchist workers struggles against capitalism.

Alternatives to the irrational and inhumane capitalist system will be discussed as well.

We hate to say we told you so, but...

Surprise guest speakers, raffles, free food & drink throughout.

7pm, $5 (or show your membership card and get in for $4)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lucio - tomorrow night at Roxie (SF)

Tomorrow night the 7th Annual San Francisco International Documentary Film Festival will be screening Lucio, a documentary about the anarchist expropriator Lucio Urtubia, at the Roxie Cinema. More information can be found at the film’s web site. From the film festival synopsis:

Lucio Uturbia’s working-class roots sapped his faith in capitalist and religious institutions. His upbringing under Franco’s regime drew him towards the philosophical tenets of anarchism. And his talent for forgery helped him to cripple the world’s largest bank. The story of how this bricklayer with a skill for forgery brought down powerful institutions without resorting to violence is riveting and inspiring.

The stunning style of the film matches the rapid and almost unimaginable trajectory of Lucio’s tale. Testimony from Lucio and his cohorts intermingle with a mesmerizing procession of archival evidence and tasteful re-enactments. Directors Aitor Arregi and Jose Mari Goenaga create tension and excitement without sacrificing gravitas or distracting us from the simple lessons at the heart of the film—difficult feats to achieve in the face of such drama.

The sensibility of this former fugitive is pure and enchanting: fight power altruistically without ever aspiring to hold power. In this context, Lucio’s fate makes perfect sense, and his fight on behalf of anarchism comes across as a sober commitment to a solid philosophy, not as the empty gestures of a marginalized troublemaker. With great respect for the fight against political, economic and social injustice in Spain and around the world, LUCIO chronicles one man but recognizes a global struggle.

-Deborah L. Jaramillo, SilverDocs

Friday, October 10, 2008

Listen to the audio from past meetings

We've posted audio of all past events. You can follow the gabcast sidebar link to your right or you can listen here.
Special thanks to our good friend D.J. Malatesta for providing all the audio recordings.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Photos From Our September Meeting

We had another great meeting last month. Thank you to all who attended and especially to Audrey Goodfriend and Andrej Grubacic for their thoughtful and information packed talks.
Audrey spoke about her experience founding and working at the Walden School in Berkeley and Andrej gave a great overview of anarchism and education in Europe and the United States in the nineteenth and twentieth century.
To top off the evening Lorna the Laminator helped those interested laminate their membership cards. Thanks Lorna!