About Us

The Alexander Berkman Social Club is a group of anarchists who want to talk about what anarchism is, how anarchists see things and what anarchy could look like. Named after the editor of San Francisco’s mighty The Blast, we hope to have continual monthly meetings that are open to all. If you come you’ll get a membership card, the chance to win thousands of dollars (alright – the odd book or two) and hopefully something to think about and act on. You failed the audition for “So You Think You Can Dance,” and you just don’t seem with it. Don’t worry. The ABSC will have you. See you there!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This Week: Meeting and May Day Picnic

Our topic this month will be Anarchists and Our Newspapers.

Join us for a discussion of the recent anarchist movement and it's printed voice, the newspaper.

Editors and publishers from a variety of papers, including Erik from The Dawn (2004), Chuck Morse from Perspectives on Anarchist Theory, and Crudo from Modesto Anarcho will share their experiences working on these anarchist projects.

What is the place of the newspaper in the anarchist movement, how have anarchists tried to spread their message, talk to each other, and the larger public. Join us as we discuss the the motivations, problems, joys and challenges, and the future of working on anarchist papers.

Plus, as always, there will be snacks, drink, camaraderie, and raffles.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, April 30, 2009
@ 522 Valencia
San Francisco, CA
$5 (or $4 with your membership card!)


The Alexander Berkman Social Club presents:
An Anarchist May Day Picnic, Friday May 1st at 4 PM in Dolores Park.
All anarchists and friends welcome!

Please bring food and drink to share and look for us under the red and black flag

Co-sponsored by 1984 Printing, Bound Together, AK Press, Friendly Fire Collective, The Kate Sharpley Library, and UA in the Bay.

Attached are copies of the poster, please help us spread the word, and see you there!

"War to the palaces, peace to the cottage, and death to luxurious idleness!"
The Alarm, April 1886

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

May Day Picnic

As the poster says, bring food to share, Dolores Park, look for the black and red flag, 4pm. What else do you need to know?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April Meeting and Anarchist Picnic for May Day

Our next meeting will be Thursday April 30th. Our topic this month will be anarchists and our newspapers.

Join us for a discussion of the recent anarchist movement and it's printed voice, the newspaper.
What is the place of the newspaper in the anarchist movement, how have anarchists tried to spread their message, talk to each other, and the larger public. Editors and publishers of anarchist papers published in the last 10 years as well as currently will speak on the joys, challenges, and future of working on anarchist papers.

Plus, as always, there will be snacks, drink, camaraderie, and raffles.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, April 30, 2009
@ 522 Valencia
San Francisco, CA
$5 (or $4 with your membership card!)

And That's NOT All!
Friday May 1 is May Day, so join the Alexander Berkman Social Club for a special and social Anarchist May Day Picnic in Dolores Park, starting around 4pm!

Friday, April 3, 2009

April Meeting and May Day

Just a heads up to let you know our next meeting will be April 30th and we will be talking about anarchists newspapers and anarchist propaganda, past, present, future.

Also Friday, May 1st is May Day, a very important anarchist holiday. Accordingly we will be holding a picnic that afternoon to celebrate. More details forthcoming, but mark your calendars now!

Anarchism and May Day
Haymarket and the Origins of May Day