About Us
The Alexander Berkman Social Club is a group of anarchists who want to talk about what anarchism is, how anarchists see things and what anarchy could look like. Named after the editor of San Francisco’s mighty The Blast, we hope to have continual monthly meetings that are open to all. If you come you’ll get a membership card, the chance to win thousands of dollars (alright – the odd book or two) and hopefully something to think about and act on. You failed the audition for “So You Think You Can Dance,” and you just don’t seem with it. Don’t worry. The ABSC will have you. See you there!
Consulta July 20th at Bound Together Books

WHAT: DNC / RNC Bay Area Consulta
- discuss the conventions - learn about what's planned - bring proposals - network and plan with other groups in the area who are going
WHERE: Bound Together Bookstore, 1369 Haight Street (near Masonic) San Francisco, CA
WHEN: Sunday July 20th 12Noon to 6 pm
This will be a BT backyard event -- enter thru the bookstore. For more information contact Bound Together Books
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